Sunday, November 22, 2015


89 days ago I started what I consider torture, although most commonly refer it as "school" in today's lingo.  I am in my junior year of college, and therefore am taking a 15 credit hour load (5 classes for ya youngin's) pursing a Health Administration degree. Do not get me wrong, college is GREAT. Some refer back to it as "the best year's of my life," and I can completely understand where they get that statement from. Between the football games, fraternity parties, sorority events, free food, friends, no bills, living off daddy's credit card--oh but wait, there is college classes as well. College is STRESSFUL. Basically it is the everyday choice of choosing to put friends before homework or vice-versa. With the semester winding down and finals approaching, I always need that extra push to finish the semester off strong. If you have read this far down, do not be procrastinating and go study for finals!



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