Sunday, July 31, 2016

adoption: a calling

A topic that has weighed on my heart since summer 2010. A new family recently moved into our neighborhood and I was offered an after school nannying job (duh, I accepted). Little did I know that summer would impact my future in more ways than one.

Michaela. Michaela was born in China, however she spent most of her life in the states. Although she was not biologically her parents child, you could see no separation in their bond.

"Who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God."
John 1:13

Flashforward 6/7 years to my college year's..I find myself having the desire to adopt. Adoption to me is not just creating a family, but it is bringing families together. I do not necessarily know WHY I want to adopt, but just because it feels right to me.

adoption is Plan "A"

The joys of adoption sometimes come with the sorrow of not being able to have biological children. To me, a kid is a kid is a kid. All kids cry, poop, well as laugh, love, and dance. If I am blessed to become a mom I will treat each child like they were the one's hand selected for me.

Let's be honest, this all won't happen for a long time...

