Saturday, January 2, 2016

Choose Happiness

Happiness is a choice. I honestly believe that attitude and happiness is a lot more mental than physical. Sometimes we get overwhelmed by the little things in life. 
The day-to-day burden of rotating between school and work can become a drag. Do you want to know a secret? NO ONE CARES. No one cares, but the one who matters: God. One of my New Year's resolutions is to turn to God when life's stresses get in the way. As I've aged I have realized that essentially everything happens for a reason. I couldn't see myself at a different university, apart of a different sorority, or even in a different major. "She laughs with no fear of the future for her hope is in me" Proverbs 31:25. Bee Happy.



Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 New Year Resolution's

  • Don't get a boyfriend (I gotta get that college degree first)
  • Go on a cruise (ps. I've never been on one before)
  • TURN 21 ON FEBURARY 5th (I decided to leave that misspelling in there, because if I am turning 21 and still do not know how to spell the month I was born in--that is a personal problem)
  • Get a summer internship
  • Grow closer to God & attend church as frequently as possible
  • Bee happy
  • Pray every night
  • Write a letter to my future self (My roommate and I thought it would be funny to write a letter to ourselves when we will be pregnant and going into labor, I still think that would be a fabulous year)
  • Write a blog post in January. (lol I am saying everyday in January, because let's be real, resolutions typically don't last any longer than January)

